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Database for the Geologic Map of the Summit Region of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii

By Dillon R. Dutton, David W. Ramsey, Peggy E. Bruggman, Tracey J. Felger, Ellen Lougee, Sandy Margriter, Patrick Showalter, Christina A. Neal, and John P. Lockwood

Data Series 293


photo looking down from the air
Aerial view of Kilauea Volcano summit caldera; the view is to the southwest. The caldera is 4.5 km by 3 km, and Halema‘uma‘u Crater, in the upper center, is 1 km in diameter (January 10, 1985, J.D. Griggs).




U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey


For questions about the content of this report, contact Dave Ramsey

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Page Last Modified: December 3, 2007